The ICT Teachers’ Computer Repair Workshop is here: Register Now!

While any teacher of ICT knows how to use computers, solving common technical problems in the computer lab is not for every teacher. This workshop seeks to help teachers gain expertise in repairing computers and setting up a local area network.

A teacher of ICT or Computer studies inevitably spends most of their time in the computer lab. This is because, the core purpose of computer studies and ICT is to help learners gain skills that will help them work in a now predominantly digital environment.

Without a computer lab therefore, these digital skills cannot be taught to today’s learner. Like any other tool, computers in the lab tend to break down or malfunction. In the event that the lab is down, the school has to hire the services of a technician who at times will charge exorbitantly. In addition, sometimes the technicians who are hired have little knowledge of a school environment and end up giving a sub standard service.

The ICT Teachers Association is heeding to a call by teachers to help them gain skills in computer repair and basics networking that will help these teachers be able to solve most challenges in the computer lab. This will help schools reduce on the cost of maintenance which also increases on the efficiency in computer lesson delivery.

What teachers will learn

Teachers will be taken through:

  • Preparing a bootable flash drive
  • Installing Windows 10
  • Working with partitions
  • Installing popular software
  • How to protect your software database (Zip & unzip)
  • Manually deleting viruses
  • Making a small network
  • Terminating a network cable
  • Testing a power supply
  • Breaking a windows password
  • Inside a desktop computer
  • Boot menu keys of popular brands
  • Format a flash with CMD
  • Protect a PC with deep freeze
  • Commonly risky file types
  • Sharing folders and printers on a LAN

Venue, date and program

The workshop will be hosted by Makerere College School on Saturday the 9th of July 2022 in the school’s computer lab. Each participant will be assigned 1 computer that they will work on and leave it in perfect working condition and ready for use by students.

What participants will get?

Apart from the rich knowledge that will be acquired from the vast experience of the facilitators, each participant will get;

  • A certificate of proficiency
  • A 64 GB Master Flash with all the software needed to handle repairs in a lab
  • A booklet with simplified step-by-step guides of the required skills
  • Pre-made videos of all the skills learnt in the workshop

Download invitation letter and register for this workshop

You can view and download the invitation letter below of which the day’s program can be found on page 2.

Registration for this computer repair workshop is by paying 50K to the workshop coordinator via Mobile Money on 0772 111 223 or 0752 111 223 in the names of Dumba Stephen.

How to get to Makerere College School

Makerere College School is located a walkable distance of 400 meters west of Makerere University main gate. If you are in downtown Kampala, a boda boda ride to the venue will cost you between 2,000 and 3,000 Uganda shillings.

Directions from Wandegeya round about to Makerere College School gate.

Do you wish to attend or sponsor the event? Call the ITAU National Coordinator on 0772 111 223 or 0752 111 223

Stephen Dumba is the National Coordinator of the ICT Teachers’ Association of Uganda. Besides teaching ICT, he repairs computers and builds websites. Steve is a speaker and facilitator at tech events and and CEO of and a consultant on education technology.

Tel: +256 772 111 223 | +256 752 111 223 | Email: [email protected]

2 Responses

  1. I suggest the training be recorded, uploaded on youtube for future reference and enable any interested party access the same any time

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