A Quick Look at The New ICT Syllabus for Lower Secondary

New ICT Syllabus for lower secondary

The government of Uganda through the National Curriculum Development Centre has finally released the new ICT syllabus for lower secondary. The new syllabus replaces the old Computer Studies syllabus which was last updated in 2008. According to NCDC, this syllabus is touted to be skills based as opposed to the old one which was knowledge based. In this article we get a quick look at the new syllabus and a few differences between it and the old Computer Studies Syllabus.

Related: Summary of the Subsidiary ICT Syllabus

Number of Topics in the new Syllabus

The new syllabus has 14 topics as opposed to the old one that had 12 topics. The topics in the new syllabus include;

  1. Introduction to ICT
  2. Computer hardware and system startup
  3. File and folder management
  4. Word Processing
  5. Spreadsheets
  6. Electronic Presentation
  7. Information Access and Sharing
  8. Health and Safety
  9. Electronic Publication
  10. Database Management Systems
  11. Web Design
  12. Electronic Waste Management
  13. Basic Software Management
  14. System and Data Security

All the above topics are grouped into 4 themes which include;

  1. Computer Systems
  2. Data Management & Sharing
  3. ICT Safety & Environment and
  4. Publications
A screen shot of the new ICT syllabus for secondary schools.

What’s missing in the new ICT Syllabus for Lower Secondary?

Notably missing from the new syllabus is Programming and Trends in Computing. It’s not yet clear whether the Evolution of Computers is included in the new syllabus.

A screen shot of the old Computer Studies syllabus.

Bonuses in the new syllabus

A bonus in the new syllabus is the introduction of the use of e-mail and internet and the skilling of students in installing and uninstalling software. To me, this was long overdue and in fact, E-zone School of Computing has been teaching these to learners as young as 10 years on how to do this. This prepares students for the real world at an early age.

A section of the syllabus for students of E-zone School of Computing that introduces them to internet and e-mail usage.

Also introduced in the new ICT syllabus for lower secondary is a topic of Electronic Publishing. This is one of the topics in the A-level ICT syllabus. Students will get skills in publishing documents like business cards, success cards, certificates and the like using desktop publishing software.

Where to get the new Syllabus

The new ICT syllabus for lower secondary has already been delivered in hard copy to schools around the country. Your school library must by now have a copy of this new syllabus.

However, those who wish to have their own copy will have to part with Ug. Sh 30,000 paid at the National Curriculum Development Center in Kyambogo. You can get in touch with NCDC on Tel. +256 393 112 088 or through their email: [email protected].

The ICT Teachers’ Association of Uganda was proud to have one of their own, Mr. Mubiru Joshua Mugerere as part of the team that was responsible for this game changing development. Mr. Mubiru is the Vice Chairperson of the ICT Teachers Association in the Central Region and can be reached on +256 782 527 019 for first hand information about this syllabus.

Stephen Dumba
E-zone School of Computing
+256 772 111 223 / +256 752 111 223

5 Responses

  1. thanks a lot for all that you are doing, but MOST schools are not well equipped with the computers. even a shade to keep the few are not even there. yet there are many students who are willing to do. With this Corvid situations, this puts the lives of ICT teachers and their learners at risk. Something must be done immediately.

  2. I wish to thank all the ICT technocrats that participated in designing the O level ICT syllabus. The syllabus covers the core foundation of ICT needed for a student who would wish to advance in the field of ICT.

  3. Thanks a lot MY boss Mr.Dumba.
    But is it true that we don’t teach computer electronic generations in this new syllabus…ST.JOSEPH PILOT SCHOOL KABOWA.

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